Browsing by Subject E region
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2014 | Characteristics of large-scale wave structure observed from African and Southeast Asian longitudinal sectors | Tulasiram, S.; Yamamoto, M.; Tsunoda, R.T.; Chau, H.D.; Hoang, T.L.; Damtie, B.; Wassaie, M.; Yatini, C.Y.; Manik, T.; Tsugawa, T. |
2006 | Gadanki radar observations of daytime E region echoes and structures extending down to 87 km | Patra, A.K.; Sripathi, S.; Rao, P.B.; Choudhary, R.K. |
2002 | A modeling study of the nighttime equatorial E region behavior during magnetospheric substorms and storms | Kim, V.P.; Hegai, V.V.; Lal, M. |
2009 | Planetary-scale variability in the low-latitude E region field-aligned irregularities: First results from Gadanki observations | Phanikumar, D.V.; Patra, A.K.; Ratnam, M.V.; Sripathi, S. |
2004 | Role of E region conductivity in the development of equatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles | Bhattacharyya, A. |