Browsing by Subject F region
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Direct detection of wavelike spatial structure at the bottom of the F region and its role on the formation of equatorial plasma bubble | Patra, A. K.; Taori, A.; Chaitanya, P. P.; Sripathi, S. |
2017 | Disturbance dynamo effects over low-latitude F region: A study by network of VHF spaced receivers | Kakad, Amar; Surve, G.; Tiwari, P.; Yadav, Virendra; Bhattacharyya, A. |
2001 | Dynamics of equatorial F region irregularities from spaced receiver scintillation observations | Bhattacharyya, A.; Basu, S.; Groves, K.M.; Valladares, C.E.; Sheehan, R. |
2011 | Observations of 2–4 day inertia-gravity waves from the equatorial troposphere to the F region during the sudden stratospheric warming event of 2009 | Sathishkumar, S.; Sridharan, S. |
2024 | Simultaneous OI 630 nm imaging observations of thermospheric gravity waves and associated revival of fossil depletions around midnight near the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) crest | Parihar, Navin; Padincharapad, Saranya; Singh, Anand Kumar; Mahavarkar, Prasanna; Dimri, Ashok Priyadarshan |
2007 | Study of irregularities and dynamics of the low latitude ionosphere | Kakad, Bharati Amar |