Browsing by Subject ICME
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | The cause of an extended recovery of ICME induced extreme geomagnetic storm: a case study | Raghav, Anil N.; Choraghe, Komal; Shaikh, Zubair I. |
2014 | An extreme coronal mass ejection and consequences for the magnetosphere and Earth | Tsurutani, B.T.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2017 | Forbush Decrease: A New Perspective with Classification | Raghav, Anil; Shaikh, Zubair; Bhaskar, Ankush; Datar, Gauri; Vichare, Geeta |
2023 | Intense (SYM - H 6<-100 nT ) geomagnetic storms induced by planar magnetic structures in co-rotating interaction regions | Choraghe, Komal; Shaikh, Zubair; Raghav, Anil; Ghag, Kalpesh; Dhamane, Omkar |
2023-10 | Intense (SYM H 6 100nT) geomagnetic storms induced by planar magnetic structures in co-rotating interaction regions | Choraghe, Komal; Shaikh, Zubair; Raghav, Anil; Ghag, Kalpesh; Dhamane, Omkar |
2018 | The Ionospheric Impact of an ICME-Driven Sheath Region Over Indian and American Sectors in the Absence of a Typical Geomagnetic Storm | Rout, Diptiranjan; Chakrabarty, D.; Sarkhel, S.; Sekar, R.; Fejer, B.J.; Reeves, G.D.; Kulkarni, A.S.; Aponte, Nestor; Sulze, Mike; Mathews, John D.; Kerr, Robert B. |
2022 | Statistical Plasma Properties of the Planar and Nonplanar ICME Magnetic Clouds during Solar Cycles 23 and 24 | Shaikh, Zubair I.; Raghav, Anil N. |
2021 | Study of cosmic ray response to large scale structures in interplanetary space | Shaikh, Zubair Ibrahim |