Browsing by Subject Mafic dykes
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | Mafic dykes of Rewa Basin, Central India: implications on magma dispersal and petrogenesis | Lala, Trisha; Choudhary, A.K.; Patil, S.K.; Paul, D.K. |
2016 | Mafic dykes swarms from the Chhotanagpur Gneiess Complex, Singhbhum craton, eastern India | Sinha, Anup K.; Srivastava, Rajesh K. |
2016 | Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Palaeomagnetism of Mafic Dykes from Kumaun Lesser Himalaya: Implication on Petrogenesis, Tectonic Setting and Timing of Mafic Magmatism in Northern Part of Indian Lithosphere | Kumar, Santosh; Singh, N. Surdas; Patil, S.K. |
2018 | Paleomagnetism and geochronology of mafic dykes from the Southern Granulite Terrane, India: Expanding the Dharwar craton southward | Pivarunas, Anthony F.; Meert, Joseph G.; Pandit, Manoj K.; Sinha, Anup K. |
2014 | Petrology and geochemistry of high-titanium and low-titanium mafic dykes from the Damodar valley, Chhotanagpur Gneissic Terrain, eastern India and their relation to Cretaceous mantle plume(s) | Srivastava, Rajesh K.; Kumar, Suresh; Sinha, Anup K.; Rao, N.V. Chalapathi |