Browsing by Subject Van Allen Probes
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2023 | Energetic ion variations during substorm intervals using the Van Allen Probes data | Shah, Trunali; Veenadhari, B.; Pandya, M.; Nose´, M. |
2022 | L-Value and Energy Dependence of 0.1–50 keV O +, He +, and H + Ions for CME and CIR Storms Over the Entire Van Allen Probes Era | Pandya, Megha; Veenadhari, B.; Ebihara, Yusuke; Reeves, G. D. |
2024 | Statistical Analysis of EMIC waves and Particle Fluxes using POES and Van Allen Probes | Esman, Teresa; Halford, Alexa; Pettit, Joshua; Bhanu, Remya; Elliot, Sadie |