Browsing by Author Appel, E.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2005 | A 20-ka climate record from Central Himalayan loess deposits | Pant, R.K.; Basavaiah, N.; Juyal, N.; Saini, N.K.; Yadava, M.G.; Appel, E.; Singhvi, A.K. |
2011 | Indication for clockwise rotation in the Siang window south of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and new geochronological constraints for the area | Liebke, Ursina; Antolin, B.; Appel, E.; Basavaiah, N.; Mikes, T.; Dunkl, I.; Wemmer, K. |
2004 | Late Quarternary climate changes reconstructed from mineral magnetic studies from proglacial lake deposits of Higher Central Himalaya | Basavaiah, N.; Juyal, N.; Pant, R.K.; Yadava, M.G.; Singhvi, A.K.; Appel, E. |
2010 | Revised magnetostratigraphy and characteristics of the fluviolacustrine sedimentation of the Kashmir basin, India, during PlioceneāPleistocene | Basavaiah, N.; Appel, E.; Lakshmi, B.V.; Deenadayalan, K.; Satyanarayana, K.V.V.; Misra, Saumitra; Juyal, N.; Malik, M.A. |