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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Absence of streaming plasma waves around noontime over Thumba in recent times: Is it related to the movement of the dip equator? | Sekar, R.; Gupta, S.P.; Acharya, Y.B.; Chakrabarty, D.; Pallamraju, D.; Pathan, B.M.; Tiwari, D.; Choudhary, R.K. |
2023 | A case of anomalous electric field perturbations in the equatorial ionosphere during post-sunset hours: Insights | Kumar, A.; Chakrabarty, D.; Fejer, B. G.; Reeves, G. D.; Rout, D.; Sripathi, S.; Seemala, G. K.; Sunda, S.; Yadav, A. K. |
2004 | Characterization of VHF radar observations associated with equatorial Spread F by narrow-band optical measurements | Sekar, R.; Chakrabarty, D.; Narayanan, R.; Sripathi, S.; Patra, A.K.; Subbarao, K.S.V. |
2002 | Characterizations of the diurnal shapes of OI 630.0 nm dayglow intensity variations: inferences | Chakrabarty, D.; Sekar, R.; Chandra, H.; Narayanan, R.; Pathan, B.M.; Subbarao, K.S.V. |
2016 | Conjugate hemisphere ionospheric response to the St. Patrick’s Day storms of 2013 and 2015 in the 100°E longitude sector | Kalita, Bitap Raj; Hazarika, Rumajyoti; Kakoti, Geetashree; Bhuyan, P.K.; Chakrabarty, D.; Seemala, Gopi K.; Wang, K.; Sharma, S.; Yokoyama, T.; Supnithi, P.; Komolmis, T.; Yatini, C.Y.; Huy, M. Le; Roy, P. |
2016 | Direct observational evidence for disturbance dynamo on the daytime low-latitude ionosphere: A case study based on the 28 June 2013 space weather event | Thampi, Smitha V.; Shreedevi, P.R.; Choudhary, R.K.; Pant, Tarun K.; Chakrabarty, D.; Sunda, S.; Mukherjee, S.; Bhardwaj, Anil |
2020 | Effects of IMF By on ring current asymmetry under Southward IMF Bz conditions observed at ground magnetic stations: Case studies | Kumar, Sandeep; Veenadhari, B.; Chakrabarty, D.; Tulasiram, S.; Kikuchi, T.; Miyoshi, Y. |
2014 | Effects of prolonged southward interplanetary magnetic field on low-latitude ionospheric electron density | Bagiya, Mala S.; Hazarika, Rumajyoti; Laskar, Fazlul I.; Sunda, Surendra; Gurubaran, S.; Chakrabarty, D.; Bhuyan, P.K.; Sridharan, R.; Veenadhari, B.; Pallamraju, D. |
2014 | An ensemble average method to estimate absolute TEC using radio beacon-based differential phase measurements: Applicability to regions of large latitudinal gradients in plasma density | Thampi, Smitha V.; Bagiya, Mala S.; Chakrabarty, D.; Acharya, Y.B.; Yamamoto, M. |
2019 | Evidence for Deep Ingression of the Midlatitude MSTID Into As Low as ~3.5° Magnetic Latitude | Sivakandan, M.; Chakrabarty, D.; Ramkumar, T.K.; Guharay, A.; Taori, A.; Parihar, N. |
2010 | Evidence for OI 630.0 nm dayglow variations over low latitudes during onset of a substorm | Chakrabarty, D.; Sekar, R.; Sastri, J.H.; Pathan, B.M.; Reeves, G.D.; Yumoto, K.; Kikuchi, T. |
2016 | An evidence for prompt electric field disturbance driven by changes in the solar wind density under northward IMF Bz condition | Rout, Diptiranjan; Chakrabarty, D.; Sekar, R.; Reeves, G.D.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Tarun K., Pant; Veenadhari, B.; Shiokawa, K. |
2005 | Evidence for the interplanetary electric field effect on the OI 630.0 nm airglow over low latitude | Chakrabarty, D.; Sekar, R.; Narayanan, R.; Devasia, C.V.; Pathan, B.M. |
2021 | Evidence for the significant differences in response times of equatorial ionization anomaly crest corresponding to plasma fountains during daytime and post-sunset hours | Kumar, A.; Chakrabarty, D.; Pandey, K.; Fejer, B.G.; Sunda, S.; Seemala, G.K.; Sripathi, S.; Yadav, A.K. |
2012 | Extreme changes in the equatorial electrojet under the influence of interplanetary electric field and the associated modification in the low-latitude F region plasma distribution | Simi, K.G.; Thampi, Smitha V.; Chakrabarty, D.; Pathan, B.M.; Nayar, S. R. Prabhakaran; Pant, Tarun Kumar |
2018 | The Ionospheric Impact of an ICME-Driven Sheath Region Over Indian and American Sectors in the Absence of a Typical Geomagnetic Storm | Rout, Diptiranjan; Chakrabarty, D.; Sarkhel, S.; Sekar, R.; Fejer, B.J.; Reeves, G.D.; Kulkarni, A.S.; Aponte, Nestor; Sulze, Mike; Mathews, John D.; Kerr, Robert B. |
2016 | On the latitudinal changes in ionospheric electrodynamics and composition based on observations over the 76–77∘Emeridian fromboth hemispheres during a geomagnetic storm | Shreedevi, P.R.; Thampi, Smitha V.; Chakrabarty, D.; Choudhary, R.K.; Pant, Tarun Kumar; Bhardwaj, Anil; Mukherjee, S. |
2014 | On the pre-midnight ascent of F-layer in the June solstice during the deep solar minimum in 2008 over the Indian sector | Chakrabarty, D.; Fejer, B.G.; Gurubaran, S.; Pant, Tarun K.; Abdu, M.A.; Sekar, R. |
2017 | Role of IMF By in the prompt electric field disturbances over equatorial ionosphere during a space weather event | Chakrabarty, D.; Hui, Debrup; Rout, Diptiranjan; Sekar, R.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Reeves, G.D.; Ruohoniemi, J.M. |
2017 | Salient features of the dayside low latitude ionospheric response to the main phase step-I of the 17 March 2015 geomagnetic storm | Bagiya, Mala S.; Sunil, A.S.; Chakrabarty, D.; Sunda, Surendra |