Browsing by Author Chandrasekhar, E.
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Characterization of ionospheric total electron content data using wavelet-based multifractal formalism | Bhardwaj, Shivam; Chandrasekhar, E.; Seemala, Gopi K.; Gadre, Vikram M. |
1996 | Complex demodulation and electromagnetic response function for geomagnetic response function for geomagnetic field variations at 27-day and its harmonics | Chandrasekhar, E.; Arora, B.R. |
2009 | Magnetotelluric and aeromagnetic investigations for assessment of groundwater resources in Parnaiba basin in Piaui State of North-East Brazil | Chandrasekhar, E.; Fontes, Sergio L.; Flexor, Jean M.; Rajaram, M.; Anand, S.P. |
2016 | Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of ionospheric total electron content data during solar minimum and maximum | Chandrasekhar, E.; Prabhudesai, Sanjana S.; Seemala, Gopi K.; Shenvi, Nayana |
1996 | On the anomalous features of the geomagnetic quiet-day field variations at Nagpur, India | Chandrasekhar, E.; Alex, S. |
2003 | On the role of oceans in the geomagnetic induction by Sq along the 210◦ magnetic meridian region | Chandrasekhar, E.; Oshiman, Naoto; Yumoto, Kiyohumi |
2010 | Penetration of magnetospheric electric fields to the equator and their effects on the low‐latitude ionosphere during intense geomagnetic storms | Veenadhari, B.; Alex, S.; Kikuchi, T.; Shinbori, A.; Singh, Rajesh; Chandrasekhar, E. |
2000 | Upper mantle electrical conductivity distribution beneath the Indian Sub-continent | Arora, B.R.; Chandrasekhar, E.; Campbell, W.H. |