Browsing by Author Dube, Adarsh
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | The 22 July 2009 Total Solar Eclipse: Modeling D Region Ionosphere Using Narrowband VLF Observations | Venkatesham, K.; Singh, Rajesh; Maurya, Ajeet K.; Dube, Adarsh; Kumar, Sushil; Phanikumar, D.V. |
2019 | Abnormal behaviour of sporadic E-layer during the total solar eclipse of 22 July 2009 near the crest of EIA over India | Tiwari, Prabhakar; Parihar, Navin; Dube, Adarsh; Singh, Rajesh; Sripathi, S. |
2022 | First study of cloud to ground lightning discharges using ground-based observations over Indian subcontinent and its possible relationship with carbon dioxide and aerosols | Dube, Adarsh; Maurya, Ajeet Kumar; Dharmaraj, T.; Singh, Rajesh |
2022 | Rare observations of sprites and gravity waves supporting D, E, F‑regions ionospheric coupling | Maurya, Ajeet K.; Parihar, Navin; Dube, Adarsh; Singh, Rajesh; Kumar, Sushil; Chanrion, Olivier; Tomicic, Maja; Neubert, Torsten |