Browsing by Author Echer, Ezequiel
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2007 | Comment on “Comment on the abundances of rotational and tangential discontinuities in the solar wind” by M. Neugebauer | Tsurutani, B.T.; Lakhina, G.S.; Verkhoglyadova, O.P.; Echer, Ezequiel; Guarnieri, Fernando L. |
2018 | Comment on “Modeling Extreme “Carrington-Type” Space Weather Events Using Three-Dimensional Global MHD Simulations” by C. M. Ngwira, A. Pulkkinen, M. M. Kuznetsova, and A. Glocer” | Tsurutani, Bruce T.; Lakhina, G.S.; Echer, Ezequiel; Hajra, Rajkumar; Nayak, Chinmaya; Mannucci, Anthony J.; Meng, Xing |
2013 | Cross-field diffusion of energetic (100 ke V to 2 Me V) protons in interplanetary space | Costa Jr, Edio da; Tsurutani, B.T.; Alves, Maria Virgínia; Echer, Ezequiel; Lakhina, G.S. |
2009 | Magnetic decrease formation from <1 AU to ∼5 AU: Corotating interaction region reverse shocks | Tsurutani, B.T.; Guarnieri, Fernando L.; Echer, Ezequiel; Lakhina, G.S.; Verkhoglyadova, Olga P. |
2011 | Magnetosheath and heliosheath mirror mode structures, interplanetary magnetic decreases, and linear magnetic decreases: Differences and distinguishing features | Tsurutani, B.T.; Lakhina, G.S.; Verkhoglyadova, Olga P.; Echer, Ezequiel; Guarnieri, Fernando L.; Narita, Yasuhito; Constantinescu, Dragos O. |
2011 | Mirror instability upstream of the termination shock (TS) and in the heliosheath | Tsurutani, B.T.; Echer, Ezequiel; Verkhoglyadova, Olga P.; Lakhina, G.S.; Guarnieri, F.L. |