Browsing by Author Habarulema, John Bosco
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024-03 | Absence of High Frequency Echoes From Ionosondes During the 23–25 April 2023 Geomagnetic Storm; What Happened? | Habarulema, John Bosco; Zhang, Yongliang; Matamba, Tshimangadzo; Buresova, Dalia; Lu, Gang; Katamzi‐Joseph, Zama; Fagundes, Paulo Roberto; Okoh, Daniel; Seemala, Gopi |
2021 | Interhemispheric comparison of the ionosphere and plasmasphere total electron content using GPS, radio occultation and ionosonde observations | Habarulema, John Bosco; Okoh, Daniel; Bergeot, Nicolas; Buresˇova, Dalia; Matamba, Tshimangadzo; Tshisaphungo, Mpho; Katamzi-Joseph, Zama; Pinat, Elisa; Chevalier, Jean-Marie; Seemala, Gopi |
2018 | Reconstruction of Storm-Time Total Electron Content Using Ionospheric Tomography and Artificial Neural Networks: A Comparative Study Over the African Region | Uwamahoro, Jean Claude; Giday, Nigussie M.; Habarulema, John Bosco; Joseph, Zama T. Katamzi-; Seemala, Gopi Krishna |
2016 | Simultaneous storm time equatorward and poleward large-scale TIDs on a global scale | Habarulema, John Bosco; Katamzi, Zama Thobeka; Yizengaw, Endawoke; Yamazaki, Yosuke; Seemala, Gopi K. |
2020 | Storm‐time modeling of the African regional ionospheric total electron content using artificial neural networks | Okoh, Daniel; Habarulema, John Bosco; Rabiu, Babatunde; Seemala, Gopi; Wisdom, Joshua Benjamin; Olwendo, Joseph; Obrou, Olivier; Matamba, Tshimangadzo Merline |