Browsing by Author Joshi, L.M.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Coupled nature of evening-time ionospheric electrodynamics | Joshi, L.M.; Tsai, L.C. |
2015 | Investigation on F layer height rise and equatorial spread F onset time: Signature of standing large-scale wave | Joshi, L.M.; Balwada, S.; Pant, T.K.; Sumod, S.G. |
2016 | LSWS linked with the low-latitude Es and its implications for the growth of the R-T instability | Joshi, L.M. |
2012 | On the linkage between mesospheric gravity waves and occurrence of equatorial plasma bubble observed during the low solar activity | Taori, A.; Kamalakar, V.; Joshi, L.M.; Sripathi, S.; Patra, A.K. |
2016 | On the utility of the ionosonde Doppler-derived EXB drift during the daytime | Joshi, L.M.; Sripathi, S. |
2018 | Simulating the dependence of seismo-ionospheric coupling on the magnetic field inclination | Joshi, L.M.; Sripathi, S.; Kumar, Muppidi Ravi; Kherani, Esfhan Alam |
2016 | Simulation of low-latitude ionospheric response to 2015 St. Patrick’s Day super geomagnetic storm using ionosonde-derived PRE vertical drifts over Indian region | Joshi, L.M.; Sripathi, S.; Singh, Ram |