Browsing by Author Kamalam, T.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Electron acoustic super solitary waves in a magnetized plasma | Kamalam, T.; Steffy, S.V.; Ghosh, S.S. |
2023 | Electrostatic solitary waves in the Venusian ionosphere pervaded by the solar wind: a theoretical perspective | Rubia, R.; Singh, S. V.; Lakhina, G. S.; Devanandhan, S.; Dhanya, M. B.; Kamalam, T. |
2018 | Ion acoustic super solitary waves in a magnetized plasma | Kamalam, T.; Ghosh, S.S. |
2023 | Kinetic study of ion acoustic waves in Venusian ionosphere | Kamalam, T.; Singh, S. V.; Sreeraj, T.; Lakhina, G. S. |
2020-12 | Linear and nonlinear analysis of plasma wave in the presence of magnetic field | Kamalam, T. |