Browsing by Author Kumar, Rohtash
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2008 | Effect of burial and compaction on soil magnetic properties: Results from soil-paleosol sequences in the Himalayan Foreland, India | Sangode, S.J.; Kumaravel, V.; Bloemendal, J.; Kumar, Rohtash |
2010 | Interrelation of magnetic susceptibility, soil color and elemental mobility in the Pliocene–Pleistocene Siwalik paleosol sequences of the NW Himalaya, India | Kumaravel, V.; Sangode, S.J.; Siddaiah, N. Siva; Kumar, Rohtash |
2009 | Major element geochemical variations in a Miocene-Pliocene Siwalik paleosol sequence: Implications to soil forming processes in the Himalayan foreland basin | Kumaravel, V.; Sangode, S.J.; Siddaiah, N. Siva; Kumar, Rohtash |