Browsing by Author Maharaj, S.K.
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2006 | Arbitrary amplitude dust-acoustic double layers in a non-thermal plasma | Maharaj, S.K.; Pillay, S.R.; Bharuthram, R.; Reddy, R.V.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2016 | Arbitrary amplitude fast electron-acoustic solitons in three-electron component space plasmas | Mbuli, L.N.; Maharaj, S.K.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2015 | Arbitrary amplitude slow electron-acoustic solitons in three-electron temperature space plasmas | Mbuli, L.N.; Maharaj, S.K.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2010 | Arbitrary amplitude solitary waves in plasmas with dust grains of opposite polarity and non-thermal ions | Maharaj, S.K.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Pillay, S.R.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2014 | Do nonlinear waves evolve in a universal manner in dusty and other plasma environments? | Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Maharaj, S.K.; Moolla, S.; Lazarus, I.J.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2004 | The effect of dust grain temperature and dust streaming on electrostatic solitary structures in a non-thermal plasma | Maharaj, S.K.; Pillay, S.R.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2008 | Electrostatic solitary waves in a magnetized dusty plasma | Maharaj, S.K.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Pillay, S.R.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2012 | Existence domains of arbitrary amplitude nonlinear structures in two-electron temperature space plasmas. I. Low-frequency ion-acoustic solitons | Maharaj, S.K.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2012 | Existence domains of arbitrary amplitude nonlinear structures in two-electron temperature space plasmas. II. High-frequency electron-acoustic solitons | Maharaj, S.K.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2013 | Existence domains of dust-acoustic solitons and supersolitons | Maharaj, S.K.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2015 | Existence domains of slow and fast ion-acoustic solitons in two-ion space plasmas | Maharaj, S.K.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2005 | A parametric study of the influence of non-thermal ions on linear dust-acoustic waves in an unmagnetized dusty plasma | Maharaj, S.K.; Pillay, S.R.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |