Browsing by Author Naidu, Suneetha
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Assessment of groundwater quality for irrigational use: a case study from the coastal tracts of Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra | Naidu, Suneetha; Gupta, Gautam |
2017 | Estimation of spatial variability of aquifer parameters from geophysical methods: a case study of Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra, India | Das, Anasuya; Maiti, Saumen; Naidu, Suneetha; Gupta, Gautam |
2016 | Hydro-geochemical assessment to evaluate the suitability of groundwater for domestic and irrigation purpose in parts of Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra | Erram, Vinit C.; Gupta, Gautam; Laxminarayana, M.; Naidu, Suneetha; Shailaja, G. |
2021 | Hydrogeochemical processes regulating the groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and irrigation purpose in parts of coastal Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra | Naidu, Suneetha; Gupta, Gautam; Singh, Rambabu; Khan, Tahama; Erram, Vinit C. |
2021 | Spatial behavior of the Dar-Zarrouk parameters for exploration and differentiation of water bodies aquifers in parts of Konkan coast of Maharashtra, India | Naidu, Suneetha; Gupta, Gautam; Shailaja, G.; Khan, Tahama |
2018 | Spatial Variation of Aquifer Parameters from Coastal Aquifers of Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra Using Pore-water Resistivity and Bulk Resistivity | Naidu, Suneetha; Gupta, Gautam |