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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Anomalous diurnal variation of atmospheric potential gradient and air-Earth current density observed at Maitri, Antarctica | Jeeva, K.; Gurubaran, S.; Williams, E.R.; Kamara, A.K.; Sinha, Ashwini K.; Guha, A.; Selvaraj, C.; Nair, K.U.; Dhar, Ajay |
2009 | Apposite of atmospheric electric parameters with the energy coupling function (ε) during geomagnetic storms at high latitude | Kumar, C.P. Anil; Panneerselvam, C.; Nair, K.U.; Jeyakumar, H. Johnson; Selvaraj, C.; Gurubaran, S.; Venugopal, C. |
2009-02 | Apposite of atmospheric electric parameters with the energy coupling function (ε) during geomagnetic storms at high latitude | Anil Kumar, C.P.; Panneerselvam, C.; Nair, K.U.; Jeyakumar, H. Johnson; Selvaraj, C.; Gurubaran, S.; Venugopal, C. |
2013 | Atmospheric electric parameters and micrometeorological processes during the solar eclipse on 15 January 2010 | Anilkumar, C.P.; Gopalsingh, R.; Selvaraj, C.; Nair, K.U.; Jeyakumar, H. Johnson; Vishnu, R.; Muralidas, S.; Balan, N. |
1995 | Changes in the auroral electrojet currents inferred from geomagnetic field variations at Maitri and northern conjugate station | Kalra, Rajesh; Dhar, Ajay; Nair, K.U.; Jeeva, K.; Daga, D.M.; Rajaram, G. |
2003 | A comparative study of atmospheric Maxwell current and electric field from a low latitude station, Tirunelveli | Panneerselvam, C.; Nair, K.U.; Jeeva, K.; Selvaraj, C.; Gurubaran, S.; Rajaram, R. |
2014 | Development of intermediate scale structure near the peak of the F region within an equatorial plasma bubble | Bhattacharyya, A.; Kakad, Bharati; Sripathi, S.; Jeeva, K.; Nair, K.U. |
2008 | Diurnal variation of potential gradient and current density observed at Maitri and their relevance to carnegie curve | Jeeva, K.; Nair, K.U.; Dhar, Ajay; Pathan, B.M.; Gurubaran, S. |
2006 | Effect of magnetic activity on equatorial F region plasma drifts | Engavale, B.; Jeeva, K.; Nair, K.U.; Bhattacharyya, A. |
2018 | Equatorial secondary cosmic ray observatory to study space weather and terrestrial events | Vichare, Geeta; Bhaskar, Ankush; Datar, Gauri; Raghav, Anil; Nair, K.U.; Selvaraj, C.; Ananthi, M.; Sinha, Ashwini K.; Paranjape, M.; Gawade, T.; Kumar, C.P. Anil; Panneerselvam, C.; Sathishkumar, S.; Gurubaran, S. |
2014 | First results from imaging riometer installed at Indian Antarctic station Maitri | Behera, Jayanta K.; Sinha, Ashwini K.; Singh, A.K.; Rawat, Rahul; Vichare, Geeta; Dhar, Ajay; Pathan, B.M.; Nair, K.U.; Selvaraj, C.; Elango, P. |
2001 | First results from the measurements of atmospheric Maxwell currents at an Indian station, Maitri, Antarctica | Panneerselvam, C.; Jeeva, K.; Nair, K.U.; Selvaraj, C.; Gurubaran, S. |
2011 | Global electric circuit parameters and their variability observed over Maitri, Antarctica | Jeeva, K.; Panneerselvam, C.; Nair, K.U.; Selvaraj, C.; Dhar, Ajay; Pathan, B.M.; Gurubaran, S. |
2001 | The global variation of air-earth current at Tirunelveli | Jeeva, K.; Nair, K.U.; Panneerselvam, C.; Gurubaran, S.; Rajaram, R. |
2008 | Influence of coronal mass ejections on global electric circuit | Kumar, C.P. Anil; Panneerselvam, C.; Nair, K.U.; Selvaraj, C.; Gurubaran, S.; Rajaram, R.; Jeeva, K. |
2010 | Instrumentation for the surface measurements of atmospheric electrical parameters at Maitri, Antarctica: first results | Panneerselvam, C.; Kumar, C.P. Anil; Dhar, Ajay; Nair, K.U.; Selvaraj, C.; Gurubaran, S.; Pathan, B.M. |
2017 | Investigation of the Influence of Galactic Cosmic Rays on Clouds and Climate in Antarctica | Anilkumar, C.P.; Balan, N.; Panneerselvam, C.; Victor, N. Jeni; Selvaraj, C.; Nair, K.U.; Elango, P.; Jeeva, K.; Akhila, K.C.; Gurubaran, S. |
2007 | Magnetic activity linked generation of nighttime equatorial spread F irregularities | Kakad, Bharati; Jeeva, K.; Nair, K.U.; Bhattacharyya, A. |
2005 | Solar flux dependence of coherence scales in scintillation patterns produced by ESF irregularities | Engavale, B.; Jeeva, K.; Nair, K.U.; Bhattacharyya, A. |
2008 | Study of Non-linear characteristics of the dielectric between a maxwell horizontal wire antenna and earth's surface | Kumar, C.P. Anil; Jeyakumar, H.J.; Nair, K.U.; Jeeva, K.; Selvaraj, C.; Panneerselvam, C.; Gurubaran, S.; Venugopal, C. |