Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Analysis of vertical drifts in the post sunset equatorial F-region during geomagnetically quiet and disturbed periods | Simi, K.G.; Vineeth, C.; Pant, T.K.; Alex, S. |
2010 | A comparison of optically measured daytime OH temperatures over the tropics during solar maximum and minimum periods | Vineeth, C.; Pant, T.K.; Gurubaran, S.; Hossain, M.M.; Sridharan, R. |
2012 | Counter equatorial electrojet: Analysis of the variability in daytime mesopause temperature and winds | Vineeth, C.; Pant, T.K.; Kumar, K.K.; Jose, Lijo; Sumod, S.G.; Alex, S. |
2005 | East-west asymmetries of the equatorial electrojet 8.3 m type-2 echoes observed over Trivandrum and a possible explanation | Patra, A.K.; Tiwari, D.; Devasia, C.V.; Pant, T.K.; Sridharan, R. |
2018 | Evolution of Freshly Generated Equatorial Spread F (F-ESF) Irregularities on Quiet and Disturbed Days | Gurram, P.; Kakad, B.; Bhattacharya, A.; Pant, T.K. |
2003 | An improved data reduction technique for the retrieval of the Doppler parameters from interference fringes obtained by a high resolution Fabry-Perot spectrometer | Pant, T.K.; Suhasini, R.; Gurubaran, S.; Sridharan, R. |
2008 | Investigation of the response of equatorial MLTI region during a partial solar eclipse through ground-based daytime optical technique | Vineeth, C.; Pant, T.K.; Thampi, Smitha V.; Sridharan, R.; Ravindran, Sudha; Devasia, C.V.; Kumar, K. Kishore; Alex, S. |
2011 | Investigation of the response time of the equatorial ionosphere in context of the equatorial electrojet and equatorial ionization anomaly | Jose, L.; Ravindran, S.; Vineeth, C.; Pant, T.K.; Alex, S. |
2015 | Investigation on F layer height rise and equatorial spread F onset time: Signature of standing large-scale wave | Joshi, L.M.; Balwada, S.; Pant, T.K.; Sumod, S.G. |
2007 | Investigation on the mesopause energetics and its possible implications on the equatorial MLTI processes through coordinated daytime airglow and radar measurements | Pant, T.K.; Tiwari, D.; Vineeth, C.; Thampi, Smitha V.; Sridharan, S.; Devasia, C.V.; Sridharan, R.; Gurubaran, S.; Sekar, R. |
2014 | Peculiar features of ionospheric F3 layer during prolonged solar minimum (2007–2009) | Nayak, C.K.; Yadav, Virendra; Kakad, Bharati; Sripathi, S.; Emperumal, K.; Pant, T.K.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Jin, Shuanggen |
2011 | Planetary wave-tidal interactions over the equatorial mesosphere-lower thermosphere region and their possible implications for the equatorial electrojet | Vineeth, C.; Pant, T.K.; Sumod, S.G.; Kumar, K.K.; Gurubaran, S.; Sridharan, R. |
2017 | Quiet and Disturbed Time Characteristics of Blanketing Es (Esb) During Solar Cycle 23 | Yadav, Virendra; Kakad, Bharati; Bhattacharyya, A.; Pant, T.K. |
2008 | Simultaneous observations of ESF irregularities over Indian region using radar and GPS | Sripathi, S.; Bose, S.; Patra, A.K.; Pant, T.K.; Kakad, Bharati; Bhattacharyya, A. |
2006 | Simultaneous radar and spaced receiver VHF scintillation observations of ESF irregularities | Tiwari, D.; Engavale, B.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Devasia, C.V.; Pant, T.K.; Sridharan, R. |
2011 | Study of disturbance dynamo effects at nighttime equatorial F region in Indian longitude | Kakad, Bharati; Tiwari, D.; Pant, T.K. |
2015 | Study of equatorial E region irregularities using rare daytime VHF scintillation observations | Yadav, Virendra; Kakad, Bharati; Pant, T.K.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Prasad, D.S.V.V.D. |
2012 | Study of post sunset vertical plasma drift at equatorial F-region using long-term (1990–2003) ionosonde measurements in Indian longitude | Kakad, Bharati; Tiwari, D.; Pant, T.K. |
2009 | A study on the low-latitude daytime E region plasma irregularities using coordinated VHF radar, rocket-borne, and ionosonde observations | Patra, A.K.; Rao, N. Venkateswara; Phanikumar, D.V.; Chandra, H.; Das, U.; Sinha, H.S.S.; Pant, T.K.; Sripathi, S. |