Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2001 | Auroral zone dayside precipitation during magnetic storm initial phases | Tsurutani, B.T.; Zhou, X.Y.; Arballo, J.K.; Gonzalez, W.D.; Lakhina, G.S.; Vasyliunas, V.; Pickett, J.S.; Araki, T.; Yang, H.; Rostoker, G.; Hughes, T.J.; Lepping, R.P.; Berdichevsky, D. |
2002 | Broadband plasma waves in the magnetopause and plasma-sheet boundary layers | Lakhina, G.S.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Pickett, J.S. |
1998 | Broadband plasma waves observed in the polar cap boundary layer: Polar | Tsurutani, B.T.; Lakhina, G.S.; Ho, Christian M.; Arballo, J.K.; Galvan, C.; Boonsiriseth, A.; Pickett, J.S.; Gurnett, D.A.; Peterson, W.K.; Thorne, R.M. |
1998 | A CME loop and the January 10, 1997 first substorm | Tsurutani, B.T.; Arballo, J.K.; Lakhina, G.S.; Ho, Christian M.; Ajello, J.M.; Pickett, J.S.; Gurnett, D.A.; Lepping, R.P.; Peterson, W.K.; Rostoker, G.; Kamide, Y.; Kokubun, S. |
2009 | Electrostatic solitary waves in current layers: from Cluster observations during a super-substorm to beam experiments at the LAPD | Pickett, J.S.; Chen, L.-J.; Santolík, O.; Grimald, S.; Lavraud, B.; Verkhoglyadova, O.P.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Lefebvre, B.; Fazakerley, A.; Lakhina, G.S.; Ghosh, S.S.; Grison, B.; Décréau, P.M.E.; Gurnett, D.A.; Torbert, R.; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N.; Dandouras, I.; Lucek, E. |
2014 | Extremely intense ELF magnetosonic waves: A survey of polar observations | Tsurutani, B.T.; Falkowski, Barbara J.; Pickett, J.S.; Verkhoglyadova, Olga P.; Santolik, Ondrej; Lakhina, G.S. |
2008 | Furthering our understanding of electrostatic solitary waves through Cluster multispacecraft observations and theory | Pickett, J.S.; Chen, L.-J.; Mutel, R.L.; Christopher, I.W.; Santolı´k, O.; Lakhina, G.S.; Singh, S.V.; Reddy, R.V.; Gurnett, D.A.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Lucek, E.; Lavraud, B. |
2005 | Generation of electric solitary structures electron holes by nonlinear low-frequency waves | Lakhina, G.S.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Pickett, J.S. |
2011 | Generation of electrostatic solitary waves in the plasma sheet boundary layer | Lakhina, G.S.; Singh, S.V.; Kakad, Amar; Pickett, J.S. |
1999 | The interplanetary causes of magnetic storms, HILDCAAs and viscous interaction | Tsurutani, B.T.; Gonzalez, W.D.; Kamide, Y.; Ho, Christian M.; Lakhina, G.S.; Arballo, J.K.; Thorne, R.M.; Pickett, J.S.; Howard, R.A. |
1998 | The January 10, 1997 auroral hot spot, horseshoe aurora and first substorm: A CME loop? | Tsurutani, B.T.; Arballo, J.K.; Lakhina, G.S.; Ho, Christian M.; Ajello, J.; Pickett, J.S.; Gurnett, D.A.; Lepping, R.P.; Peterson, W.K.; Rostoker, G.; Kamide, Y.; Kokubun, S. |
2003 | Magnetic field turbulence, electron heating, magnetic holes, proton cyclotron waves, and the onsets of bipolar pulse (electron hole) events: a possible unifying scenario | Tsurutani, B.T.; Dasgupta, B.; Arballo, J.K.; Lakhina, G.S.; Pickett, J.S. |
2009 | A mechanism for electrostatic solitary structures in the Earth's magnetosheath | Lakhina, G.S.; Singh, S.V.; Kakad, Amar; Goldstein, M.L.; Viñas, A.F.; Pickett, J.S. |
2005 | Nonlinear Alfvén waves, discontinuities, proton perpendicular acceleration, and magnetic holes/decreases in interplanetary space and the magnetosphere: intermediate shocks? | Tsurutani, B.T.; Lakhina, G.S.; Pickett, J.S.; Lin, N.; Goldstein, B.E.; Guarnieri, F.L. |
2005 | On the generation of solitary waves observed by Cluster in the near-Earth magnetosheath | Pickett, J.S.; Chen, L.-J.; Kahler, S.W.; Santolík, O.; Goldstein, M.L.; Lavraud, B.; Décréau, P.M.E.; Kessel, R.; Lucek, E.; Lakhina, G.S.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Gurnett, D.A.; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N.; Fazakerley, A.; Rème, H.; Balogh, A. |
2008 | Parametric analysis of positive amplitude electron acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasma and its application to boundary layers | Ghosh, S.S.; Pickett, J.S.; Lakhina, G.S.; Winningham, J.D.; Lavraud, B.; Décréau, P.M.E. |
2010 | Pitch angle transport of electrons due to cyclotron interactions with the coherent chorus subelements | Lakhina, G.S.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Verkhoglyadova, O.P.; Pickett, J.S. |
2004 | Solitary waves observed in the auroral zone: the Cluster multi-spacecraft perspective | Pickett, J.S.; Kahler, S.W.; Chen, L.-J.; Huff, R.L.; Santolík, O.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Décréau, P.M.E.; Winningham, D.; Frahm, R.; Goldstein, M.L.; Lakhina, G.S.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Lavraud, B.; Gurnett, D.A.; André, M.; Fazakerley, A.; Balogh, A.; Rèm, H. |
2011 | Soliton model for broadband electrostatic noise | Lakhina, G.S.; Singh, S.V.; Kakad, Amar; Pickett, J.S. |