Browsing by Author Prizomwala, S.P.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Late Pleistocene–Holocene uplift driven terrace formation and climate-tectonic interplay from a seismically active intraplate setting: An example from Kachchh, Western India | Prizomwala, S.P.; Das, Archana; Chauhan, G.; Solanki, T.; Basavaiah, N.; Bhatt, Nilesh; Thakkar, M.G.; Rastogi, B.K. |
2014 | Provenance discrimination and Source-to-Sink studies from a dryland fluvial regime: An example from Kachchh, western India | Prizomwala, S.P.; Bhatt, Nilesh; Basavaiah, N. |
2013 | Provenance discrimination studies on sediments of the SW kachchh coast, Western India: Insights from heavy mineral and mineral magnetic analysis | Prizomwala, S.P.; Shukla, S. B.; Basavaiah, N.; Bhatt, Nilesh |
2018 | Proxy mineral magnetic and elemental analyses for 2004 tsunami impact deposit along the Muttukadu backwater, East Coast of India: Scope of the palaeotsunami studies | Basavaiah, N.; Babu, J.L.V. Mahesh; Prizomwala, S.P.; Siva, H.; Achyuthan, V.H.R.; Boral, Pranab |
2014 | Understanding the sediment routing system along the Gulf of Kachchh coast, western India: Significance of small ephemeral rivers | Prizomwala, S.P.; Bhatt, Nilesh; Basavaiah, N. |