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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1996 | Alfvén modes in dusty cometary and planetary plasmas | Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S.; Verheest, F.; Meuris, Peter |
2006 | Arbitrary amplitude dust-acoustic double layers in a non-thermal plasma | Maharaj, S.K.; Pillay, S.R.; Bharuthram, R.; Reddy, R.V.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2020 | Association between EMIC wave occurrence and enhanced convection periods during ion injections | Remya, B.; Sibeck, D.G.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Kunduri, B.; Halford, G.; Reeves, G.D.; Reddy, R.V. |
2009 | Broadband electrostatic noise and low-frequency waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere | Singh, S.V.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2001 | Broadband electrostatic noise due to nonlinear electron-acoustic waves | Singh, S.V.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2014 | Do nonlinear waves evolve in a universal manner in dusty and other plasma environments? | Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Maharaj, S.K.; Moolla, S.; Lazarus, I.J.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
1997 | Double null points and magnetic reconnection | Galsgaard, K.; Rickard, G.J.; Reddy, R.V.; Nordlund, A. |
2015 | Electromagnetic cyclotron waves in the dayside subsolar outer magnetosphere generated by enhanced solar wind pressure: EMIC wave coherency | Remya, B.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S.; Hajra, R. |
2009 | Electron acoustic solitary waves in the Earth’s magnetotail region | Kakad, Amar; Singh, S.V.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S.; Tagare, S.G. |
2004 | Electron acoustic solitons in the Earth's magnetotail | Tagare, S.G.; Singh, S.V.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
1997 | Energy release sites in magetic fields containing single or multiple nulls | Galsgaard, K.; Reddy, R.V.; Rickard, G.J. |
2007 | An explanation for high-frequency broadband electrostatic noise in the Earth's magnetosphere | Moolla, S.; Bharuthram, R.; Singh, S.V.; Lakhina, G.S.; Reddy, R.V. |
2008 | Furthering our understanding of electrostatic solitary waves through Cluster multispacecraft observations and theory | Pickett, J.S.; Chen, L.-J.; Mutel, R.L.; Christopher, I.W.; Santolı´k, O.; Lakhina, G.S.; Singh, S.V.; Reddy, R.V.; Gurnett, D.A.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Lucek, E.; Lavraud, B. |
2007 | Generation mechanism for electron acoustic solitary waves | Kakad, Amar; Singh, S.V.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S.; Tagare, S.G.; Verheest, F. |
2016 | Heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS) impingement onto the magnetosphere as a cause of relativistic electron dropouts (REDs) via coherent EMIC wave scattering with possible consequences for climate change mechanisms | Tsurutani, B.T.; Hajra, R.; Tanimori, T.; Takada, A.; Bhanu, R.; Mannucci, A.J.; Lakhina, G.S.; Kozyra, J.U.; Shiokawa, K.; Lee, L.C.; Echer, E.; Reddy, R.V.; Gonzalez, W.D. |
2013 | Ion temperature anisotropy instabilities in planetary magnetosheaths | Remya, B.; Reddy, R.V.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Lakhina, G.S.; Echer, E. |
2014 | Large-amplitude, circularly polarized, compressive, obliquely propagating electromagnetic proton cyclotron waves throughout the earth’s magnetosheath: Low plasma β conditions | Remya, B.; Tsurutani, B.T.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S.; Falkowski, B.J.; Echer, E.; Glassmeier, K.-H. |
2002 | Low frequency nonlinear waves in the auroral plasma | Bharuthram, R.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S.; Singh, N. |
2004 | Low-frequency instabilities due to energetic oxygen ions | Singh, S.V.; Kakad, Amar; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |
2006 | Modulational instability of electron-acoustic waves in the auroral region | Singh, S.V.; Reddy, R.V.; Lakhina, G.S. |