Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Association between EMIC wave occurrence and enhanced convection periods during ion injections | Remya, B.; Sibeck, D.G.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Kunduri, B.; Halford, G.; Reeves, G.D.; Reddy, R.V. |
2010 | Evidence for OI 630.0 nm dayglow variations over low latitudes during onset of a substorm | Chakrabarty, D.; Sekar, R.; Sastri, J.H.; Pathan, B.M.; Reeves, G.D.; Yumoto, K.; Kikuchi, T. |
2016 | An evidence for prompt electric field disturbance driven by changes in the solar wind density under northward IMF Bz condition | Rout, Diptiranjan; Chakrabarty, D.; Sekar, R.; Reeves, G.D.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Tarun K., Pant; Veenadhari, B.; Shiokawa, K. |
2018 | Ion Injection Triggered EMICWaves in the Earth’s Magnetosphere | Remya, B.; Sibeck, D.G.; Halford, A.J.; Murphy, K.R.; Reeves, G.D.; Singer, H.J.; Wygant8, J.R.; Perez, G. Farinas; Thaller, S.A. |
2018 | The Ionospheric Impact of an ICME-Driven Sheath Region Over Indian and American Sectors in the Absence of a Typical Geomagnetic Storm | Rout, Diptiranjan; Chakrabarty, D.; Sarkhel, S.; Sekar, R.; Fejer, B.J.; Reeves, G.D.; Kulkarni, A.S.; Aponte, Nestor; Sulze, Mike; Mathews, John D.; Kerr, Robert B. |
2020 | Oxygen torus and its coincidence with EMIC wave in the deep inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probe B and Arase observations | Nosé, M.; Matsuoka, A.; Kumamoto, A.; Kasahara, Y.; Teramoto, M.; Kurita, S.; Goldstein, J.; Kistler, L.M.; Singh, S.; Gololobov, A.; Shiokawa, K.; Imajo, S.; Oimatsu, S.; Yamamoto, K.; Obana, Y.; Shoji, M.; Tsuchiya, F.; Shinohara, I.; Miyoshi, Y.; Kurth, W.S.; Kletzing, C.A.; Smith, C.W.; MacDowall, R.J.; Spence, H.; Reeves, G.D. |
2017 | Role of IMF By in the prompt electric field disturbances over equatorial ionosphere during a space weather event | Chakrabarty, D.; Hui, Debrup; Rout, Diptiranjan; Sekar, R.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Reeves, G.D.; Ruohoniemi, J.M. |
2019 | Signatures of substorm related overshielding electric field at equatorial latitudes under steady southward IMF Bz during main phase of magnetic storm | Veenadhari, Bhaskara; Kikuchi, Takashi; Kumar, Sandeep; Tulasiram, S.; Chakrabarty, D.; Ebihara, Yusuke; Reeves, G.D. |
2003 | The Storm-Substorm relationship: Current understanding and outlook | Sharma, A.S.; Baker, D.N.; Grande, M.; Kamide, Y.; Lakhina, G.S.; McPherron, R.M.; Reeves, G.D.; Rostoker, G.; Vondrak, R.; Zelenyi, L. |
2015 | Three different types of electric field disturbances affecting equatorial ionosphere during a long-duration prompt penetration event | Chakrabarty, D.; Rout, Diptiranjan; Sekar, R.; Narayanan, R.; Reeves, G.D.; Pant, Tarun K.; Veenadhari, B.; Shiokawa, K. |