Browsing by Author Shrivastava, Mahesh N.
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | An Appraisal of the Plate Tectonic Forces: Role of Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) in the Deformation of Indo-Eurasian Collision Zone | Reddy, C.D.; Shrivastava, Mahesh N. |
2016 | Coseismic slip and afterslip of the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel (Chile) earthquake determined from continuous GPS data | Shrivastava, Mahesh N.; Gonzalez, Gabriel; Moreno, Marcos; Chlieh, Mohamed; Salazar, Pablo; Reddy, C.D.; Baez, Juan Carlos; Yanez, Gonzalo; González, Juan; Llera, Juan Carlos de la |
2013 | Estimation of strain distribution of the seismogenic regions of india,from gps measurements: numerical modeling,interpretations and implications | Shrivastava, Mahesh N. |
2016 | Ionospheric Plasma Response to Mw 8.3 Chile Illapel Earthquake on September 16, 2015 | Reddy, C.D.; Shrivastava, Mahesh N.; Seemala, Gopi K.; Gonzalez, Gabrial; Baez, Juan Carlos |
2013 | The Mw 8.6 Indian ocean earthquake on 11 April 2012: coseismic displacement, coulomb stress change and aftershocks pattern | Shrivastava, Mahesh N.; Reddy, C.D. |
2015 | Near-field co-seismic ionospheric response due to the northern Chile Mw 8.1 Pisagua earthquake on April 1, 2014 from GPS observations | Reddy, C.D.; Sunil, A.S.; González, G.; Shrivastava, Mahesh N.; Moreno, Marcos |
2016 | State of tectonic stress in Shillong Plateau of northeast India | Baruah, Santanu; Baruah, Saurabh; Saikia, Sowrav; Shrivastava, Mahesh N.; Sharma, Antara; Reddy, C.D.; Kayal, J.R. |
2013 | Topographic Constraints on Deviatoric Stress Field in the Indo-Eurasian Collision Region: Seismo-Tectonic Implications | Shrivastava, Mahesh N.; Reddy, C.D.; Prajapati, Sanjay K. |