Browsing by Author Singh, Ashutosh K.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | Characteristics of discrete VLF falling-tone chorus emissions observed at low latitude ground station Jammu | Singh, Ashutosh K.; Patel, R.P.; Singh, Rajesh; Singh, K.K.; Singh, A.K. |
2022 | Effect of 21 June 2020 solar eclipse on the ionosphere using VLF and GPS observations and modeling | Tripathi, Gaurish; Singh, S.B.; Kumar, Sanjay; Singh, Ashutosh K.; Singh, Rajesh; Singh, A.K. |
2010 | A generation mechanism of chorus emissions using BWO theory | Singh, Ashutosh K.; Patel, R P; Singh, R; Singh, K K; Singh, A K |
2012 | Response of low latitude D-region ionosphere to the total solar eclipse of 22 July 2009 deduced from ELF/VLF analysis | Singh, Ashutosh K.; Singh, Rajesh; Veenadhari, B.; Singh, A.K. |
2014 | Solar flare induced D-region ionospheric perturbations evaluated from VLF measurements | Singh, Ashutosh K.; Singh, A.K.; Singh, Rajesh; Singh, R.P. |
2015 | Subionospheric VLF perturbations observed at a low latitude station Varanasi (L = 1.07) | Singh, Ashutosh K.; Singh, A.K.; Singh, Rajesh; Singh, R.P.; Adams, K.; Dowden, R.L. |