Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1976 | Anomalies in the vertical component of geomagnetic field variations at Annamalainagar, Kodaikand, and Trivandrum | Singh, B.P.; Agarwal, A.K.; Nityananda, N.; Rajgopal, A.S. |
2013 | Crustal evolution and tectonics of the Archean Bundelkhand craton, Central India | Gokarn, S.G.; Rao, C.K.; Selvaraj, C.; Gupta, Gautam; Singh, B.P. |
1995 | Crustal structure in south east Rajasthan using magnetotelluric techniques | Gokarn, S.G.; Rao, C.K.; Singh, B.P. |
2001 | Deep crustal structure in central India using magnetotelluric studies | Gokarn, S.G.; Rao, G.; Gupta, Gautam; Singh, B.P.; Yamashita, M. |
2000 | A Geoelectrical section across the Andaman arc sea region, Northeast Indian ocean by using ocean bottom magnetometers | Subbarao, P.B.V.; Singh, B.P.; Gawali, P.B. |
1975 | Geomagnetic depth sounding | Singh, B.P. |
1978 | IMF effects on short-period fluctuations at low latitudes | Agarwal, A.K.; Nityananda, N.; Singh, B.P.; Rastogi, R.G. |
1975 | Induction in short-period events in the Indian peninsula | Nityananda, N.; Rajagopal, A.S.; Agarwal, A.K.; Singh, B.P. |
1974 | Intermediate coupling model description of 55Fe and 57Fe | Dikshit, J.J.; Singh, B.P. |
2001 | Magnetotelluric studies in some seismically active regions of India | Gokarn, S.G.; Rao, C.K.; Gupta, Gautam; Singh, B.P. |
2000 | Magnetotelluric Techniques | Gokarn, S.G.; Singh, B.P. |
1998 | Results from a magnetic survey & geomagnetic depth sounding in the post eruption phase of the Barren Island volcano | Banerjee, B.; Subbarao, P.B.V.; Gupta, Gautam; Joseph, E.J.; Singh, B.P. |
2000 | Seafloor electromagnetic induction studies in the Bay of Bengal | Joseph, E. John; Toh, H.; Fujimoto, H.; Iyengar, R.V.; Singh, B.P.; Utada, H.; Segawa, J. |
1995 | Seafloor geomagnetic sounding near the 85°E ridge in the bay of Bengal | Joseph, E. John; Iyengar, R.V.; D'Cruz, L.A.; Singh, B.P. |
1975 | A Study of night time variations during magnetic storms at coastal Indian stations | Rajagopal, A.S.; Nityananda, N.; Singh, B.P. |
1995 | Upper crustal structure in the Torni-Purnad region, Central India using magnetotelluric studies | Rao, C.K.; Gokarn, S.G.; Singh, B.P. |