Browsing by Author Sridharan, M.
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1997 | Dependence of HF Radio communication between India - Antarctica on seasonal and geomagnetic conditions and some anomalies | Sridharan, M.; Dhar, Ajay; Rajaram, G. |
2006 | Fractal analysis for geomagnetic secular variations | Sridharan, M.; Ramasamy, A.M.S. |
2005 | Fuzzy clustering analysis to study geomagnetic coastal effects | Sridharan, M.; Gururajan, N.; Ramasamy, A.M.S. |
2009 | Fuzzy mathematical model for the analysis of geomagnetic field data | Sridharan, M. |
2010 | Gabriel graph of geomagnetic Sq variations | Sridharan, M.; Ramasamy, Ayyathurai M.S. |
2009 | Multi dimensional scaling of geomagnetic Sq (H) variations | Sridharan, M.; Selvaraj, R. Samuel |
2002 | Multidimensional scaling technique for analysis of magnetic storms at Indian observatories | Sridharan, M.; Ramasamy, A.M.S. |
1997 | Optical Auroral Forms over Maitri during Antarctic winter 1994 and Their relationship with simultaneous geomagnetic variations | Hanchinal, A.N.; Sridharan, M.; Rajaram, G. |
2002 | Velocity of small-scale auroral ionospheric current systems over Indian Antarctic station Maitri | Rajaram, G.; Hanchinal, A.N.; Kalra, R.; Nair, K.U.; Jeeva, K.; Sridharan, M.; Dhar, Ajay |