Browsing by Author Sunda, Surendra
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2014 | Effects of prolonged southward interplanetary magnetic field on low-latitude ionospheric electron density | Bagiya, Mala S.; Hazarika, Rumajyoti; Laskar, Fazlul I.; Sunda, Surendra; Gurubaran, S.; Chakrabarty, D.; Bhuyan, P.K.; Sridharan, R.; Veenadhari, B.; Pallamraju, D. |
2014 | First results on forecasting the spatial occurrence pattern of L-band scintillation and its temporal evolution | Sridharan, R.; Bagiya, Mala S.; Sunda, Surendra; Choudhary, Rajkumar; Pant, Tarun K.; Jose, Lijo |
2017 | Impact of Sudden Stratospheric Warming of 2009 on the Equatorial and Low-Latitude Ionosphere of the Indian Longitudes: A Case Study | Yadav, Sneha; Pant, Tarun K.; Choudhary, R.K.; Vineeth, C.; Sunda, Surendra; Kumar, K.K.; Shreedevi, P.R.; Mukherjee, S. |
2011 | The impact of the January 15, 2010, annular solar eclipse on the equatorial and low latitude ionospheric densities | Choudhary, R.K.; Maurice, J.‐P.St.‐; Ambili, K.M.; Sunda, Surendra; Pathan, B.M. |
2015 | Impact of the perturbation zonal velocity variation on the spatio/temporal occurrence pattern of L band scintillation—A case study | Bagiya, Mala S.; Sridharan, R.; Sunda, Surendra; Pant, Tarun K.; Choudhary, Rajkumar |
2015 | Refinement of the background ionospheric conditions and plausible explanation based on neutral dynamics for the occurrence/non-occurrence of L-band scintillation patches against forecast | Sridharan, R.; Jose, Lijo; Bagiya, Mala S.; Sunda, Surendra; Chaudhary, R.K. |
2017 | Salient features of the dayside low latitude ionospheric response to the main phase step-I of the 17 March 2015 geomagnetic storm | Bagiya, Mala S.; Sunil, A.S.; Chakrabarty, D.; Sunda, Surendra |
2015 | Satellite-based augmentation systems: A novel and cost-effective tool for ionospheric and space weather studies | Sunda, Surendra; Sridharan, R.; Vyas, B.M.; Parikh, K.S.; Ganeshan, A.S.; Sudhir, C.R.; Satish, S.V.; Bagiya, Mala S.; Khekale, P.V. |
2017 | SBAS-derived TEC maps: a new tool to forecast the spatial maps of maximum probable scintillation index over India | Sunda, Surendra; Yadav, Sneha; Sridharan, R.; Bagiya, Mala S. |