Browsing by Author Suryawanshi, R.A.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Efficacy of anisotropic properties in groundwater exploration from geoelectric sounding over trap covered terrain | Shailaja, G.; Laxminarayana, M.; Patil, J.D.; Erram, Vinit C.; Suryawanshi, R.A.; Gupta, Gautam |
2015 | Electrical resistivity imaging for aquifer mapping over Chikotra basin, Kolhapur district, Maharashtra | Gupta, Gautam; Patil, J.D.; Maiti, Saumen; Erram, Vinit C.; Pawar, N.J.; Mahajan, S.H.; Suryawanshi, R.A. |
2020 | Electrical resistivity investigation for groundwater potential in lateritic plateau of Bamnoli Range, Satara District, Maharashtra | Desai, Rajesh V.; Khan, Tahama; Gupta, Gautam; Suryawanshi, R.A.; Erram, Vinit C. |