Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Absence of streaming plasma waves around noontime over Thumba in recent times: Is it related to the movement of the dip equator? | Sekar, R.; Gupta, S.P.; Acharya, Y.B.; Chakrabarty, D.; Pallamraju, D.; Pathan, B.M.; Tiwari, D.; Choudhary, R.K. |
2011 | Characteristics of 150 km echoes linked with solar eclipse and their implications to the echoing phenomenon | Patra, A.K.; Chaitanya, P. Pavan; Tiwari, D. |
2010 | A comparison study of zonal drift velocities measurements as seen by MF spaced antenna and HF Doppler radar in the Indian dip equatorial mesospheric and lower thermospheric (80–100 km) region | Ramkumar, T.K.; Gurubaran, S.; Rajaram, R.; Tiwari, D.; Viswanathan, K.S. |
2004 | Coupling effect of the equatorial F region irregularities on the low latitude E region instability processes | Patra, A.K.; Sripathi, S.; Tiwari, D. |
2005 | East-west asymmetries of the equatorial electrojet 8.3 m type-2 echoes observed over Trivandrum and a possible explanation | Patra, A.K.; Tiwari, D.; Devasia, C.V.; Pant, T.K.; Sridharan, R. |
2006 | Effect of solar variability on transionospheric radio wave propagation in the equatorial region | Bhattacharyya, A.; Engavale, B.; Tiwari, D.; Bose, S. |
2012 | The equatorial ionospheric response over Tirunelveli to the 15 January 2010 annular solar eclipse: observations | Nayak, C.K.; Tiwari, D.; Emperumal, K.; Bhattacharyya, A. |
2008 | Impact of magnetospheric forcing on the electrodynamics of the equatorial ionosphere | Bhattacharyya, A.; Tiwari, D.; Kakad, Bharati; Alex, S. |
2007 | Investigation on the mesopause energetics and its possible implications on the equatorial MLTI processes through coordinated daytime airglow and radar measurements | Pant, T.K.; Tiwari, D.; Vineeth, C.; Thampi, Smitha V.; Sridharan, S.; Devasia, C.V.; Sridharan, R.; Gurubaran, S.; Sekar, R. |
2008 | On the day-today variability in the GPS TEC and its connection to the EEJ strength over India: influence of neutral atmospheric dynamics from below | Sripathi, S.; Bose, S.; Tiwari, D.; Bhattacharyya, A. |
2006 | Simultaneous radar and spaced receiver VHF scintillation observations of ESF irregularities | Tiwari, D.; Engavale, B.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Devasia, C.V.; Pant, T.K.; Sridharan, R. |
2005 | Simultaneous radar observations of meter-scale F region irregularities at and off the magnetic equator over India | Patra, A.K.; Tiwari, D.; Sripathi, S.; Rao, P.B.; Sridharan, R.; Devasia, C.V.; Viswanathan, K.S.; Subbarao, K.S.V.; Sekar, R.; Kherani, E.A. |
2012 | Sporadic E over Allahabad during the extremely prolonged low solar activity period of 2007-2009 | Tiwari, P.; Tiwari, D.; Surve, G.; Nayak, C. |
2011 | Study of disturbance dynamo effects at nighttime equatorial F region in Indian longitude | Kakad, Bharati; Tiwari, D.; Pant, T.K. |
2012 | Study of post sunset vertical plasma drift at equatorial F-region using long-term (1990–2003) ionosonde measurements in Indian longitude | Kakad, Bharati; Tiwari, D.; Pant, T.K. |
2004 | Threshold height (h′F)c for the meridional wind to play a deterministic role in the bottom side equatorial spread F and its dependence on solar activity | Jyoti, N.; Devasia, C.V.; Sridharan, R.; Tiwari, D. |