Browsing by Author Vincent, R.A.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2008 | A case study of the mesospheric 6.5-day wave observed by radar systems | Jiang, G.; Xu, Jiyao; Xiong, J.; Ma, R.; Ning, B.; Murayama, Y.; Thorsen, D.; Gurubaran, S.; Vincent, R.A.; Reid, I.; Franke, S.J. |
2012 | Long-term variability of mean winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at low latitudes | Rao, N. Venkateswara; Tsuda, T.; Riggin, D.M.; Gurubaran, S.; Reid, I.M.; Vincent, R.A. |
2009 | Radar observations of the diurnal tide in the tropical mesosphere-lower thermosphere region: Longitudinal variabilities | Gurubaran, S.; Rajaram, R.; Nakamura, T.; Tsuda, T.; Riggin, D.; Vincent, R.A. |