Browsing by Author Yumoto, K.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Can a nightside geomagnetic Delta H observed at the equator manifest a penetration electric field? | Wei, Y.; Fraenz, M.; Dubinin, E.; He, M.; Ren, Z.; Zhao, B.; Liu, J.; Wan, W.; Yumoto, K.; Watari, S.; Alex, S. |
2006 | The Dayside Ionospheric “Superfountain” (DIS), plasma transport and other consequences | Tsurutani, B.T.; Saito, A.; Verkhoglyadova, O.P.; Mannucci, A.J.; Abdu, M.A.; Araki, T.; Gonzalez, W.D.; Iijima, B.A.; Lakhina, G.S.; McCreadie, H.; Sobral, J.H.A.; Tsuda, T.; Yumoto, K.; Vasyliunas, V.M. |
2006 | Daytime, low latitude, vertical ExB drift velocities, inferred from ground-based magnetometer observations in the Peruvian, Philippine and Indian longitude sectors under quiet and disturbed conditions | Anderson, D.; Anghel, A.; Chau, J.; Yumoto, K.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Alex, S. |
2010 | Evidence for OI 630.0 nm dayglow variations over low latitudes during onset of a substorm | Chakrabarty, D.; Sekar, R.; Sastri, J.H.; Pathan, B.M.; Reeves, G.D.; Yumoto, K.; Kikuchi, T. |
1999 | Ionospheric propagation of magnetohydrodynamic disturbances from the equatorial electrojet | Fedorov, E.; Pilipenko, V.; Surkov, V.; Rao, D.R.K.; Yumoto, K. |
2003 | Local time and longitude dependence of the equatorial electrojet magnetic effects | Doumouya, V.; Cohen, Y.; Arora, B.R.; Yumoto, K. |
2008 | Prompt penetration electric fields (PPEFs) and their ionospheric effects during the great magnetic storm of 30–31 October 2003 | Tsurutani, B.T.; Verkhoglyadova, O.P.; Mannucci, A.J.; Saito, A.; Araki, T.; Yumoto, K.; Tsuda, T.; Abdu, M.A.; Sobral, J.H.A.; Gonzalez, W.D.; McCreadie, H.; Lakhina, G.S.; Vasyliūnas, V.M. |