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Title: A CME loop and the January 10, 1997 first substorm
Authors: Tsurutani, B.T.
Arballo, J.K.
Lakhina, G.S.
Ho, Christian M.
Ajello, J.M.
Pickett, J.S.
Gurnett, D.A.
Lepping, R.P.
Peterson, W.K.
Rostoker, G.
Kamide, Y.
Kokubun, S.
Keywords: Coronal mass ejections
CME loop
Issue Date: 1998
Citation: SUBSTORMS-4, edited by S..Kokubun and Y.Kamide, p.309-314, 1998
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/501
Appears in Collections:UAS_Reprints

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