Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 99
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019-08 | Imaging saline water ingress in coastal aquifers of Maharashtra using electrical resistivity technique constrained by geochemical data | Suneetha, Naidu |
2019-02 | Coupling of the solar driven prolonged and transient processes to the equatorial and low latitude ionosphere | Singh, Ram |
2018-07 | Study of dynamical coupling of the atmosphere-ionosphere system at low latitudes | Sau, Sukanta |
2023-12 | Studies on gravity waves in the middle atmosphere | Chauhan, Nilesh Arvind |
2022-11 | Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling using integrated measurements | Sinha, Shipra |
2023-11 | A study on the response of the equatorial and low latitude ionosphere under varied geophysical conditions | Barad, Rajesh Kumar |
2023-10 | Study of ionospheric irregularities, its evolution and characterization | Kapil, Chandan |
2023-05 | Investigation of ionospheric currents using multi-spacecraft Swarm mission | Sreelakshmi, J. |
2023-03 | Theoretical and observational studies of ultra low frequency (ULF) waves relevant to geomagnetic phenomena | Pavithran, Adhitya |
2022-12 | Study of space weather and terrestrial events using secondary cosmic rays | Datar, Gauri Surendra |
2020-12 | Linear and nonlinear analysis of plasma wave in the presence of magnetic field | Kamalam, T. |
2022-08 | Studies on solar wind-magnetosphere interactive phenomena under quiet and disturbed space weather | Bhosale, Nilam Yashwant |
2022-08 | Modelling of coherent wave structure and associated particle dynamics in the earth's magnetosphere | Soni, Pankaj Kumar |
2022 | Solar wind control of wave activity in the magnetosphere | Ojha, Biswajit |
2022 | Comprehensive study of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves and associated phenomenon in the earth's magnetosphere | Upadhyay, Aditi |
2022 | Terrestrial resonance coupling during great earthquakes | Nayak, Srinivas |
2021 | Study of cosmic ray response to large scale structures in interplanetary space | Shaikh, Zubair Ibrahim |
2021 | Generation of low frequency electromagnetic waves in the magnetosphere | A PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Mumbai, under the guidance of Prof.Satyavir Singh, September 2021; Barik, Krushna Chandra |
2019 | Quiet and disturbed time dynamics of low latitude F-region | Gurram, Padma |
2016 | Investigation of magnetic field measurements recorded by low earth orbiting satellites | Thomas, Neethal |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 99