: [99]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 99 of 99
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2001 | Some characteristics of ionospheric irregularities at low latitudes deduced from VHF scintillation measurements | Banola, S. |
1983 | Geomagnetic induction studies in South India and their relation to crustal evolution of the region | Nityananda, Nandini |
2002 | Magnetic mapping of basement of India | Erram, Vinit C. |
2000 | Magnetotelluric studies over the Indian sub continent | Gupta, Gautam |
1998 | Determination of deep earth electrical conductivity using long period geomagnetic variations | Enamundram, Chandrasekhar |
1979 | Some studies of the geomagnetic solar and lunar daily variations and of the equatorial counter-electrojet in the Indian region | Sastri, N.S. |
1995 | Study of sub-surface geology using the anomalies of the earth's magnetic field | Waghmare, Shiwdas Yadaorao |
1994 | Electromagnetic induction studies in Garhwal Himalaya and adjecent regions | Reddy, C.D. |
1994 | Studies of low latitude ionosphere through satellite radio wave propagation | Pathan, Bashir Mohammed |
1993 | Study of earth's interior through geomagnetic methods-satellite derived geopotential field anomalies | Basavaiah, Nathani |
1976 | Studies on earth's plasmasphere (F region and topside ionosphere) | Alex, Shobana |
1976 | Study of low latitude geomagnetic field: influence of interplanetary field and periodic oscillations | Rangarajan, G.K. |
1976 | Some problems of geomagnetic solar and lunar daily variations in low latitudes | Arora, B.R. |
1972 | Some studies of the geomagnetic field in low latitudes | Rao, D.R.K. |
1985 | Studies in ionospheric physics with special reference to the ionospheric irregularities and VHF scintillations | Koparkar, P.V. |
1986 | The utility of quantitive magnetospheric magnetic field models | Mukherjee, G.K. |
1979 | Some aspects of the geomagnetic anomalies with special reference to the structure and tectonics of the Godavari Valley | Murthy, A.V.S. |
1983 | Some studies of crust and upper mantle by geomagnetic deep sounding | Thakur, Naresh Kumar |
1983 | Identification of variations associated with the sun and their use in some geophysical studies | Mita, Rajaram |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 99 of 99