Since last four decades and more generation and
propagation mechanism of very low latitude (L < 1.4)
whistlers has been studied by many workers in lowlatitude
regions and especially in India. The key questions
that remain unanswered include: (1) Where are
the lightning discharges, the source of whistlers located?
(2) Do the whistler waves at low latitudes
propagate along the magnetic field lines in low latitude
ionosphere? We reported that the lightning discharges
that have generated whistlers are located in
the conjugate region in the Indian Ocean and suggested
the whistlers at these stations propagate along
the magnetic field lines in the low latitude ionosphere.
In this communication, we present the arrival azimuth
determination technique adopted to confirm the location
of the lightning discharges which generated the
observed whistlers and the technique is validated with
real-time lightning data. The technique adopted to determine
the arrival azimuths of low latitude whistler
causative lightning discharges is of significance and
will help in resolving the unanswered questions of low
latitude whistler phenomena.