A thesis submitted to the University of Mumbai for the Ph.D.(Science) degree in physics under the guidance of Prof. B. Veenadhari
Conclusions :
* There is a clear linear relationship between the ROCSAT-1 vertical E×B drifts and EEJ for both the sectors with a significant correlation coefficient.
• The linear relationship between ROCSAT-1 measured E×B drifts and EEJ for Indian and Japanese sectors have been compared with Jicamarca Unattended Long-term Ionosphere At mosphere Radar (JULIA) radar (150 km echos) measured E×B drifts and EEJ strength form Peruvian sector.
• It has been found that ROCSAT-1 measured E×B drifts show linear relationship with EEJ and exhibit a larger scatter unlike JULIA radar observed E×B drifts. This may be attributed to the large height difference as ROCSAT-1 measures E×B drifts at 600 km altitude and the EEJ is E-region (110 km) phenomenon.
• In future, if there is any satellite at lower altitudes measuring E×B drifts then a linear relationship can be derived to estimate the vertical E×B drifts from ground measurements.